Set-Typhon binding ritual

Ritual for binding and restraining an enemy

This was a ritual I devised to remedy a personal situation, where a jealous individual was deliberately fomenting trouble for my family. The invocation in this rite is based on a spell in the Leyden Demotic magical papyrus (PDM IV, column XXIII, a rite to inflict catalepsy), combined with a long tested Hoodoo technique. I performed this a year ago, as the situation was escalating, and approximately a week afterward, the individual went quiet and has not stirred up any strife since.  

Some may question my use of Saturnian associations for Set-Typhon, who is a bellicose, Martian deity, but in the lead up to the final version of this rite, I had several insights urging me to funnel Typhon-Set’s unwieldy, aggressive nature, through the tempering medium of Saturn, whence restriction and subjection arise (but which likewise shares Mars’ malefic nature). Moreover, in the Egyptian myth, Seth used a leaden coffin to imprison and bind Osiris - lead is the classical metal of Saturn. In the end, the intended result was achieved, and quickly.

The rite itself also evolved, as my original intention was far more malefic, but having pondered the situation objectively, I decided that restraining the man would suffice; I have never harmed anyone through magic, and am determined to never go that far, but when family is involved, anger often overtakes rational thought, as anyone would agree. 

The idea for this rite was initially inspired by a (more aggressive) Set ritual found in Michael Chechetelli's excellent  'Book of Abrasax', and drawing on the same PDM source.

-A black candle engraved with the person’s name
 -Small box
- 2 small mirrors that have never seen your own reflection. This detail is very important. It appears difficult to fulfill, but is achievable with care (you may have to endure some perplexed looks from the store clerk where you buy the mirrors). You may use gloves when handling them to hide your skin from being reflected.
- Black string
- A picture of the person
- Saturnian incense, such as storax, patchouli or comfrey. You may also use  a Saturnian + Martian blend.  

Perform this ritual on a Saturday, in the hour of Saturn.

Take the two mirrors, turn them inward such that they reflect each other, and insert the person’s picture between them. Bind the whole packet tightly with the black string, and insert it into the box.

Perform some preliminary work appropriate to the working. This ritual presupposes some familiarity with basic ceremonial on the part of the reader, so I will focus solely on the actual rite.

Place the box on the altar, and set the candle upon it. Light the incense, and recite this invocation thrice:

‘I invoke thee who art in the void air, terrible, invisible,  almighty, God of Gods dealing destruction and wreaking desolation, O thou that hatest  a household well established. When thou wast cast out of Egypt thou wast entitled, ‘the unconquerable, destroyer of all’. I invoke thee, Typhon Sêth, I perform thy ceremonies,  for I invoke thee by thy powerful name in words which thou canst not  refuse to hear; IoerbĒth, IÔpakerbÊth, IobolkhÔsĒth, IÔpatathnax, IÔsÔrÔ, IoneboutosoualĒth, AktiÔphi, Ereskhigal, NeboposoalÊth,  AberamenthÔou, Lerthexanax, EthreluÔth, Nemareba, Aemina!’

Take a few moments to attune yourself to the presence of the God. Then light the candle, burn more incense, and say this petition three times:

‘Hail disturber of darkness, thunder-bringer, inexorable whirlwind. Boiler of waves, regent of stormy seas, begotten of Tartaros’ bottomless abyss. Draw nigh oh great God, hear my voice! Betake thyself swiftly to NN, the wretched man whose likeness I have brought hither before thee, held fast in this coffer. Overwhelm him with thy clouds, bind him with indissoluble fetters, shut him inside a vessel impenetrable, as the leaden tomb whereinto thou didst lure Osiris. Whithersoever he turns, let darkness beset him. If he seeks to do evil, let his impious acts recoil on him, just as the specula herein reflect back all things onto his likeness. Go O great God, swiftly, quickly, forthwith, and thy great deeds I will ever praise’.     

Let the candle burn out. Then keep the box closed & store it away, or bury it.

The box and string keep the person from wreaking harm, while the mirrors ensure that anything they do try shall fall back on their own heads.


  1. Greetings my good man! I was wondering if I can add a limitation so the effects of the spell won't harm my and those close to me. Lovely ritual. Thanks!

    1. You can definitely adapt this as needed. I recommend performing an uncrossing or self-cleansing on yourself after the rite as a precaution

    2. Thank you very much!

    3. Interesting ritual here. As a mystical - pantheist, I think these spells can work. However, their are eager precautions as to ones time & money, because as a devote believer of Allah - God - Jah - Yahweh - the Almighty Creator, it is said in biblical terms that one mustn't evoke the idols of past as they are 'FALSE'.

      As 1 who uses a pendulum to seek the truth I will ask now to answer the question I propose, an already have a conscious answer comprehensibly. So I asked if their are downsides in performing these rituals - answer is YES.
      Secondly I requested if there a downside in simple prayers - mantras or positive affirmations with a revealing NO.
      Lastly to finish the sequence of truth I questioned -
      can simple prayers be just as powerful as these elaborate spellcaster rituals & the grand finale was a definitive YES.
      So I respect your efforts, however I don't believe magik to have any significant powers over the blessed, in fact quite contrary.

      However if someone is casting some form of negativity in our lives, & this is the way you know and believe fullheartedly as to work as a preventative measure, I must commend your determination. Although remember that a simple prayer with that same energy of faith can also be just as effective without wasting resources or money.


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