Liturgy to Isis

Originally published in the Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition.

Materials needed: Statue of deity, 2 offering dishes (for libation and food), censer, candle or lamp (not red), wine or milk for libations, water with natron in it for purification, altar or shrine, white robe.

Standing before the shrine. Purify yourself with the water, and chew some natron. Then say:

Let the earth be still, let the air be still, let the sea be still, let the winds also be still and do not be a hindrance to this sacred rite! No sound, no loud cry, no disturbance of any kind. For I am a priest, and I am about to call the great Goddess Isis, the Queen of the Gods, whom Agathodaimon permitted to rule the whole world. Awaken O Usat, lady Isis, Goddess of many names, awaken in peace comely one, awaken renowned queen of the Gods, divine mother of Horus, refulgent diadem of life, awaken in peace, to this rite which I perform in Thine honour. Hear me, whether Thou hast journeyed around to the West or South, or whether Thou art dwelling in the outermost regions of the North Wind ever blowing, or whether Thou dwellest in the blasts of the East Wind, where the Sun riseth, or whether Thou hast gone to Olympos, where the Celestial Ones dwell, or whether Thou art in Heaven above, a judge with the immortal Gods, or whether Thou hast mounted the chariot of the swiftdriving Sun, and traversest the world, gazing down and observing all.

Sprinkle the statue with the water, and say:

I approach Thee mighty Lady of heaven, bringing the ambrosial water of immortality, the mighty flood waters, the fountain of life flowing from the two caverns. I sprinkle it, cleansing Thy temple and Thine image from all impurity.

Light the candle\lamp, and say:

Arise O holy Mother of all, be this light the symbol of Thine ineffable presence. Come Isis, come to this sacred rite.

Prostrate yourself on the ground before the altar, and say:

I have prostrated myself on the ground in awe of Thee. Hail unto Thee, Thou royal spouse of Onnophris whom Thou madest immortal, Thou faithful consort of mighty Sarapis. Hail unto Thee giver of life, lady of increase and decay, who residest in the sacred mound. Hail unto Thee bringer of the floodwaters that give life unto all creatures and plants. Hail, Lady of Heaven, Queen of the Gods.

Place an appropriate incense on the charcoal, and recite this invocation:

Hail giver of wealth, Queen of the Gods, pure, most sacred, mighty Isis of many names, Deô most high, Hermuthis, Agathe-Tykhe, LOU LOULOU BATHARTHAR THARÊSIBATH ATHERNEKLÊSIKH ATHERNEBOUNI ÊIKHOMÔ KHOMÔTHI SOUÊRI EURELIBAT KHAMARI NEBOUTOS OUÊRI AIÊ ÊOA ÔAI sovereign Lady ruler of all, who hast dominion over the winds, thunder, lightning, rain and snow. Hail good fortune, Isis, discoverer of all life, most hallowed bestower of good things. To the pious Thou givest great favours and wealth, a life that is pleasant, and most serene happiness: material gain, good fortune, and soundness of understanding; Thou bestowest sustenance to mankind and good rule to all; Thou didst establish laws that justice might exist; Thou didst overthrow tyrants by trusty counsels. Holy guardian and guide who gavest skills that life might be becoming, and Thou didst discover the flowery nature of all fruits. For Thy sake heaven and the whole earth were established, and the blasts of the winds and the sweet-shining sun. Through Thy power all the courses of the rivers are filled in the early autumn season, and most vehement waters are poured over the entire land, that the produce may grow unfailingly. Come O Lady, appear, accept this offering, this sweet incense. Its incorruptible essence is for Thee, it filleth Thy shrine bringing life, sanctifying it with Thy spirit.

Pour a libation of milk into an offering dish, and say:

I offer unto Thee this pure milk. O mighty mother, Queen of the all, mayest Thou find favour therein. Let Thy mouth be opened thereby, drink and be fortified.

Present a food offering (optional), placing it in another offering dish raising and lowering it 4 times while saying:

I offer unto Thee this (name of food), O radiant one, many-formed Lady of joy and beauty who bringest the sun from rising to setting. May it find favour with Thee.

Place your hands over the offerings, saying:

Let offerings flow forth in abundance, as the blessings that issue from the mouth of Isis, comely leader of the muses, mistress of earth and heaven.

Burn incense again, this time reciting an improvised prayer to the Goddess asking for any blessings you desire, and then commune with Her. When done, recite this thanksgiving prayer:

I thank Thee O Lady for Thy presence, for I have been conjoined to Thy holy form. I have been fortified by Thy name. I have acquired Thy perpetual blessing. O Queen of Heaven and earth, mistress of the two lands, mother of all, be with me always.

Return the offerings, withdrawing them from the shrine while saying:

These Thine offerings revert to Thy servant for life, stability, health, joy. Let the Lord of All, everliving, immortal Aion who appeared with the universe according to His eternal essence, shine His imperishable light upon Thee.

Put out the lamp or candle, and consume part of the offerings in silence. For the remainder, dispose of them in a natural place, like the woods or a river.

-Natron can be made artificially by combining 1 part of salt and 3 parts of baking soda (or alternatively 70% sodium carbonate, 20% baking soda, and 10% salt) with a bit of water. Spread the resultant paste onto a tray and cook it in the oven until it has hardened. Then break it into small pieces.
-A painting of the deity can be used instead of a statue, but the latter is ideal.


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