Recommended Esoteric Blogs

These are, in my opinion, the highest quality occult blogs on the internet today.

• Reflections from the Black Stone. Primarily PGM and Hermetic magic (alternate link)

• The Digital Ambler. Primarily PGM focused, with many groundbreaking rituals

• HOGD Blog. One of the finest Golden Dawn blogs

• The Sorcerer's Blog. Picatrix and planetary magic generally. Includes some riveting video lectures by the blog author, an individual with vast practical experience and success in the field

• Kabbalah and Self Creation. A blog by one of the world's top authorities on Jewish mysticism, full of previously untranslated magical material

• Light in Extension. A treasure trove of Grimoire and Golden Dawn material

• Nick Farrell's blog. A wealth of varied material by a veteran occultist and author.

• Imperial Arts. A goetic magician shares detailed accounts of his evocations

• Theomagica. Another treasure trove, including much hitherto untranslated magical material

• Charm the Water. Articles on all aspects of occult theory and practice

• Solomonic Magic. A large body of material on the Solomonic tradition in practice

• Orphic Platonism. A good blog focused on esoteric Platonism (Hermetism, Neoplatonism, &c)

•  Sublunar Space. PGM focused blog

• Talk Gnosis Blog. A vast collection of video lectures, podcasts and articles on Gnosticism


  1. Thank you for this great selection! I also love this blog:


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