Recommended Facebook occult & spiritual groups

Facebook has become the central hub for public esoteric discussion in recent years, where Yahoo and independent forums used to reign. With the overwhelming quantity of groups, it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak, and to identify forums in which fruitful discussion and serious learning can be had.

Most occult discussion groups are excessively lax, and freely allow irrelevant topics to flood their feed (motivational quotes, aliens/UFO's, conspiracy theories, or irrelevant New Age subjects masquerading as occultism, for which there are already plenty of specialized forums; politics and social issues also creep in all too often).  Others are at the opposite end of the spectrum, stifling productive discussion with draconian censorship and power games.

The forums I list below stand out as beacons of light in the static of the internet, which have avoided the above pitfalls, and wherein a harmonious climate of learning, cooperation, and high quality exchanges is predominant. Knowledgeable members of these groups bring in new insights with nearly every post, and conflicts and bickering are rare or nonexistent in them. Obviously, all this is based on my personal observations and opinion, but I know many who would agree with me.

PGM Study & Practice group. A discussion group on the Magical Papyri, with a wealth of resources in its archives

Cliff Low's Sorcery Academy. A group specifically focused on effective magical practice and proven techniques

Universal Mysteries. One of the greatest Western esotericism groups on Facebook, and a place where veteran Golden Dawn author Pat Zalewski regularly posts his research and insights

Stellar Sorcery. A remarkable discussion forum on classical astrological magic generally, with a focus on the Picatrix

Concepts of Kabbalah. Arguably the highest quality FB group on Qabalah and Jewish mysticism generally, run by one of the greatest modern authorities on the subject

Grimoires et Manuscripts du Monde. A great resource for rare and unknown occult manuscripts, posted almost daily by the administrator

Whare Ra. A quality Golden Dawn group focused on the Whare Ra/Smaragdum Thalasses tradition

House of Life. Greek and Egyptian magic.

Living Spirits. A valuable group dedicated to practical work with spirits

Faust Discussion Group. A forum dedicated to the Faustian magical tradition

Ekklesia Neoplatonismos. Jeffrey Kupperman's public group for the ENT, a modern Neoplatonic Order; a great resource on Neoplatonism

Hellenic Pagan. Greek paganism

Cultus Deorum. A valuable group on Roman religion.

Neos Alexandria. An active Pagan discussion group, focused on Egyptian and Greek religions


  1. FB is getting less and less safe now that evangelicals have discovered that they can close an account they don't like by telling FB the user is using a 'fake name'. Boom, FB instantly demands you send them copies of your ID and utility bills. If you don't trust them with that info, goodbye FB account.

    Some people are moving to, which allows pseudonyms, and doesn't sell your data. Occult/Pagan/Polytheist groups are growing rapidly there.


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