Jewish healing magic for 2020

From Shorshê ha-Shemôt & Sefer ha-ḥésheq

I- Against plagues & pestilence

§ The name Tzodenlobaš, a notariqon of parts of Genesis 43:11, is said to be effective against plagues, when combined with its permutations Pogemko’ar /Fogemkoar & Qohesmogat (ṢDNLBŠ PGMKAR QHSMGT)
§ The name RWṬA (רִוּטְאֹ), vocalized Riwuṭ’ô, is said to guard against plagues
§ The formula Wazefe Hla’a Fā‘abā Beyib Be’emi Webāhi Wahāwa, derived from Exodus 12:27, is said to be efficacious against plagues.


§ DGZBNṬ (Děgězběněṭ) is an ATBaSh permutation of the second section of the 42 lettered Name (QR‘ŠṬN), and used for deliverance from plagues.
§ ḤSḤSYH (Ḥas-ḥasyah), is the 5th secret name of the archangel Metatron in Eliezer of Worms’ Sefer ha-ḥéšeq. It is also the name whereby Adam guarded himself against pestilence, on account of having the same numerical value as mqṭb (‘from pestilence’, 151).  
§ ṢBNYH (Tzabanyah) is the 70th name of Metatron from Sefer ha-ḥéšeq, and used against pestilence, its numerical value being 157, equivalent to wmqṭb (‘and from pestilence’)
II-Against Fever

§ AṬWBH BṬWBH  QṬWBH. Write these names on kosher parchment, along with “Leave NN’s body”, then place it on the person’s neck and they shall be healed.
§ Write the name AGLA on three almonds, and eat them
§ Write the name ABLYS on paper thrice, along with the patient’s name once and that of their mother’s twice, all inserted within each other (?, Hebrew uncertain), then give it to the patient to swallow.
§ Write ALWL BWŠYN ‘ŠWŠYN on three garlic cloves, and besmoke yourself once a day with them.

§ Using the name of ABRQLWS or ABRQLWN, the Prince of Fever, against fever, with a lead talisman. 
Take a lead plate, and on either side of it, write this invocation (on one side use the name ABRQLWS, on the other ABRQLWN):
'In the name of Yehāwhā, God of Israel, I beseech complete healing for so-and-so, from chronic fever (mi-ḥôlêy qadáḥat).
ABRQLWS as the name of ABRQLWS
ABRQLW that it may abate and go BRQLWS
ABRQL this is the name of the prince of RQLWS
ABRQ fever, from so-and-so, and let it depart QLWS
ABR from him/her, and flee to the great abysmal depths LWS
AB and let it sink as lead into the mighty waters WS
A into a place wherein it may not be remembered S
nor recalled, nor may it reascend into the heart of so-and-so
Or any of his limbs in his entire body. And so let it be Thy will!'
Beneath the above, make a line, and under it engrave the following:


Final notes.
I was unable to locate any procedures for healing the lungs, but according to Hayim Vital's commentary on Berit Menuhah (qv the translation in Ktavim Chadashim: New Writings), the 72-fold name is associated with those organs in the divine body. The 42 lettered name he ascribes to the liver.


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