Toward a Decan master list


The following is my attempt to collate a comparative list of Decanal names from various ancient sources, from Pharaonic Egypt to the Byzantine era. This is by no means exhaustive, but will hopefully prove useful.

Blogger ruins tables, so I had to include them as images only.

Thank you to Alison Chicosky, Ioannis Marathakis, Mogg Morgan, and Kerry Wisner for their invaluable assistance.


Table 1: Egyptian decans (Esna, Seti); Sacred Book of Hermes to Asclepius; Vosges Hermetic Tablets

Table 2 : London Greek papyri, Hephaestion, Firmicus Maternus, Liber Hermetis

Table 3: Celsus/Origen, Codex Vindobonensis, Aristobulus

Table 4: Decanal demons from the Testament of Solomon

Table 5: Gods ruling the Decans, according to Cosmas of Jerusalem

Table 6: Egyptian Decans and their figures from the Dendera temple

Column A lists their possible decanates based on their order, while B lists the attributions based on their names in comparison with the Seti/Esna lists.  


M. Claggett, Ancient Egyptian Science: A Source Book (American Philosophical Society, 1989)

Wallis Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians II

J. P. F. (transl.) The Sacred Book of Hermes to Asclepius

J. Abry, Les tablettes astrologiques de Grand (Vosges) et l'astrologie en Gaule romaine (CEROR 1993)

Origen, Contra Celsum

Codex Vindobonensis (translated by M. Giovannini), found in the files section of the PGM study & practice group on Facebook

Jack Lindsay, Origins of Astrology (Barnes & Noble 1971), 206

Robert Zoller, Liber Hermetis part 1 (Golden Hind 1993)

Otto Neugebauer, Greek Horoscopes (American Philosophical Society 1987)

Chester Charlton McCown, The Testament of Solomon (J.C. Hinrichs,1922)


  1. Interesting! I note that Austin Coppock's *36 Faces* first edition has the list that you have listed as from Cosmas of Jersualem, but there it's attributed to the "36 Airs of the Zodiac", and the order of the gods is flipped from the Scorpio decans on: the deity listed in decan II in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius... those are all the same. However the deities attributed in Decans I and III are in reversed order. That is, for example, in Capricorn Tolma is placed in Capricorn III and Asklepios in Capricorn I. Can you point me to a specific source for Cosmas of Jerusalem? Since I write my own astrology column based on the decans at — I'm deeply interested in any source that uses or references this list. Thank you!

    1. Hi, the list is found here

  2. Hi,
    Could you perhaps release this information as an excel spreadsheet or some other kind of table that is easily copied, rather than images?


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