Magic for emergencies: the Helios Stele

Readers may recall the mirror box binding I performed in 2017 on an individual who was harassing my family  -  long story short, a landgrabber fraudulently claimed part of our ancestral farmland in Portugal as his (the exact opposite is true according to the old property deed); he began making threats, things severely escalated between him and one of my relatives, and so I decided to petition Set against the individual, after which the situation suddenly abated. Not a stir from the man for over two years, until a month ago, when he tore down the fence between the two properties and began plowing over on our side, presumably to annex it. My relative was furious, as was I...

Besides teaching me that restraining rites have a finite duration, the incident impelled me to try a different approach. As mentioned in the past, I still have misgivings about using magic for harm - even if justified - though I would go that far if all other options were exhausted.

I decided to try something wholly different than another binding. The result was astonishing.

A formula that's served me well for emergencies and unexpected nastiness over the years is the "Stele which is useful for all things" (PGM IV, 1167), a Hermetic invocation to Helios-Phrê which is even said to deliver from death (a Greek transcription and transliteration is found on Sam Block's blog). A family member catches the flu one day and fully recovers the next; a serious financial hurdle unexpectedly turns around for another; a handful of potential personal disasters averted, &c. Besides resolving pressing problems, I've also used the Stele to attract money with consistent results that far surpassed my expectations.

I typically combine the Stele with a triangular candle setup, the main candle in the center and 3 tealights around, but I once got it to work simply by reciting it before a tealight with a petition paper beneath it. One recitation is sufficient. Although solar, the invocation is not timing-dependent, so planetary hours are optional (I've nearly always used it on the hour of Sol nonetheless).

All the above considered, the 'Stele that is useful for  all things' was my first choice to deal with the present issue.

I decided to adapt it into a sweetening spell, to bring peace to the individuals involved and allay the rising tension, in hopes it would lead to a positive conclusion.

I performed the ritual October 28th starting around 12:45 - 1 AM,  timed with the hour of Sol, employing my trusty triangular setup, with a main white taper. Having carved the landgrabber's name onto the central candle crisscrossed with the word "Peace", I rubbed it with lemon extract toward myself, and rolled it in brown sugar thrice. After placing it in a candle holder, I set a disk magnet beneath it, a petition paper with his and my relative's names crisscrossed with 'peace', and added some more sugar all around the base of the candle. Everything was arrayed on a sheet of aluminum foil (for easy cleanup), on a small altar table that I regularly use. I had my cauldron censer with a charcoal just above the central candle.

After a good round of preliminary work (Headless rite, among other things), I sat before the table, anointed my forehead with Crown of Success oil (as suggested by an acquaintance), lit the charcoal, the 3 tealights, placed a grain of frankincense on the coal and proceeded to recite my customized version of the Stele:

 “I praise Thee, the one and blessed of the aeons and Father of the world with cosmic prayers. Come to me, Thou who filledst the whole universe with air, who didst hang the fire from the heavenly water and dividedst the earth from the water. Hearken, form, spirit, earth and sea, to a word from the one who is wise concerning divine Necessity, and accept my words as fiery darts, for I am a man/woman, the comeliest creature of the God in heaven, fashioned from spirit, dew, and earth. Heaven be opened; heed my words. Lend ear to me, Helios, father of the world, I invoke Thee with the name AŌ EU ĒOI AIOE UEŌA OUORZARA LAMANTHATHRĒ KANTHIOPER GARPSARTHRĒ MENLARDAPA KENTHĒR DRUOMEN THRANDRĒTHRĒ IABE ZELANTHI BER ZATHRĒ ZAKENTI BIOLLITHRĒ AĒŌ OUŌ EŌ OŌ RAMIATHA AEŌ OUŌ OUO ŌAUŌ, sole possessor of the primeval element. Thou art the holy and powerful name considered sacred by all the angels; (state petition). Yea, do this, lord, God of Gods, IALDAZAŌ BLATHAM MAKHŌR PHRIX AĒ KEŌPH EĒA DUMEŌ PHERPHRITHŌ IAKHTHŌ PSUKHEŌ PHIRITHMEŌ RŌSERŌTH THAMASTRAPHATI RIMPSAŌKH IALTHE MEAKHI ARBATHANŌPS, creator of the world, creator of the universe, lord, God of Gods, MARMARIŌ IAŌ. I have spoken of Thine unsurpassed glory, Thou who createdst Gods, archangels, and decans. The myriads of angels stood by Thee and exalted the heaven, the Lord witnessed to Thy Wisdom, which is Aion, IEOUĒŌĒ IAĒAIĒŌĒUOEI, and declared Thee the sky to the depth of the earth; hearken to me, for Thou ever rejoicest in heeding the prayers of those who are Thine, ATHĒZE PHŌI AAA DAIAGTHI THĒOBIS PHIATH THAMBRAMI ABRAŌTH KHTHOLKHIL THOE OELKHŌTH THIOŌĒMKH KHOOMKH SAĒSI ISAKHKHOĒ IEROUTHRA OOOOO AIOAI. I invoke Thee, the one on the gold leaf, before whom ever burns the undying lamp, the great God, the one who shone on the whole world, who is radiant at Jerusalem, Lord, IAŌ AIĒ IŌĒ ŌIĒ ŌIĒ IĒ AI ŌIĒ AI AI OUŌ AŌĒ ĒEI IEO ĒUŌ AĒI AŌ AŌA AEĒI UŌ EIĒ AĒO IEU AEĒ IAIA IAŌ EU AEU IAĒ EI AAA III ĒĒĒ IŌ IŌĒ IAŌ". 

I then lit the central candle, recited the petition thrice, and left my temple room for the night, leaving the candles to burn out on their own.

A week back, nearly a month after the rite, I was shocked to learn that the landgrabber met with my relative, accepted a copy of the land deed, and while he hasn't yet relented on his claim, he agreed to have an impartial lawyer visit the plot to render a final decision.

The reversal was extraordinary, and completely out of character with the man's usual bellicose and intemperate demeanour. I'm confident of a positive resolution now that this hurdle has been eliminated.

I'm convinced that these effects owe less to the specific formula itself, and more to its solar nature; another invocation, the Helios-Agathodaimon consecration rite (PGM IV, 1596) has been successfully repurposed as a miraculous road opener by several people (discovered by Alison Chicosky who originally tested it). I've tried it myself not long ago and had a wonderful surprise the next day. Outside the PGM, some of my best successes in planetary magic have also involved solar forces.

It goes without saying that the Sun's physical effect over our planet contributes to its magical influence - as below so above & vice-versa.

Its unique place among the classical planets in the west is another clue to its power and magical accessibility; late antique solar theologies, wherein the Sun is elevated to a visible symbol of the supreme God, are sufficiently well known to not require extensive treatment here.

Returning to Hermetism, Helios-Phrê is typically syncretized with Pshai, the supreme God of late Egyptian theology (q.v. my paper on this here). Thus, as a direct reflection of the supreme Deity, it logically follows that the Sun can accomplish nearly anything under most circumstances.

Moreover, in Egyptian religion Phrê embarks on a treacherous 12 hour journey though the underworld every night, invariably rising victorious at dawn.

I finally take this opportunity to thank Helios-Phrê publicly for this small miracle and all the other boons he's given me. May His renown grow ever stronger.

The sun, the greatest God of those in heaven, to whom all heavenly Gods submit as to a king and ruler, this sun, so very great, larger than earth and sea, allows stars smaller than him to circle above him. To whom does he defer, my child? Whom does he fear? - Corpus Hermeticum V

J. P. F


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